Package 'reprex'

Title: Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
Description: Convenience wrapper that uses the 'rmarkdown' package to render small snippets of code to target formats that include both code and output. The goal is to encourage the sharing of small, reproducible, and runnable examples on code-oriented websites, such as <> and <>, or in email. The user's clipboard is the default source of input code and the default target for rendered output. 'reprex' also extracts clean, runnable R code from various common formats, such as copy/paste from an R session.
Authors: Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] , Jim Hester [aut] , David Robinson [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut] , Christophe Dervieux [aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jennifer Bryan <>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-07 04:57:35 UTC

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Render a reprex


Run a bit of R code using rmarkdown::render() and write the rendered result to user's clipboard. If the clipboard is unavailable, the file containing the rendered result is opened for manual copy. The goal is to make it easy to share a small reproducible example ("reprex"), e.g., in a GitHub issue. Reprex source can be

  • read from clipboard

  • provided directly as expression, character vector, or string

  • read from file

  • read from current selection or active document in RStudio

reprex can also be used for syntax highlighting (with or without rendering); see below for more.


  x = NULL,
  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  venue = c("gh", "r", "rtf", "html", "slack", "so", "ds"),
  render = TRUE,
  advertise = NULL,
  session_info = opt(FALSE),
  style = opt(FALSE),
  comment = opt("#>"),
  tidyverse_quiet = opt(TRUE),
  std_out_err = opt(FALSE),
  html_preview = opt(TRUE),
  outfile = deprecated(),
  show = deprecated(),
  si = deprecated()



An expression. If not given, reprex() looks for code in input. If input is not provided, reprex() looks on the clipboard.

When the clipboard is structurally unavailable, e.g., on RStudio Server or RStudio Cloud, reprex() consults the current selection instead of the clipboard.


Character. If has length one and lacks a terminating newline, interpreted as the path to a file containing reprex code. Otherwise, assumed to hold reprex code as character vector. When input specifies a filepath, it also determines the reprex working directory and the location of all resulting files.


An optional filepath that is consulted when input is not a filepath. (By default, all work is done, quietly, in a subdirectory of the session temp directory.)

The most common use of wd is to set wd = ".", which means "reprex right HERE in the current working directory". Do this if you really must demonstrate something with local files.


Character. Must be one of the following (case insensitive):

  • "gh" for GitHub-Flavored Markdown, the default

  • "r" for a runnable R script, with commented output interleaved. Also useful for Slack code snippets; select "R" from the "Type" drop-down menu to enjoy nice syntax highlighting.

  • "rtf" for Rich Text Format (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "html" for an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in a larger HTML document (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "slack" for pasting into a Slack message. Optimized for people who opt out of Slack's WYSIWYG interface. Go to Preferences > Advanced > Input options and select "Format messages with markup". (If there is demand for a second Slack venue optimized for use with WYSIWYG, please open an issue to discuss.)

  • "so" for Stack Overflow Markdown. Note: this is just an alias for "gh", since Stack Overflow started to support CommonMark-style fenced code blocks in January 2019.

  • "ds" for Discourse, e.g., Note: this is currently just an alias for "gh".


Logical. Whether to call rmarkdown::render() on the templated reprex, i.e. whether to actually run the code. Defaults to TRUE. Exists primarily for the sake of internal testing.

Logical. Whether to include a footer that describes when and how the reprex was created. If unspecified, the option reprex.advertise is consulted and, if that is not defined, default is TRUE for venues "gh", "html", "so", "ds" and FALSE for "r", "rtf", "slack".


Logical. Whether to include sessioninfo::session_info(), if available, or sessionInfo() at the end of the reprex. When venue is "gh", the session info is wrapped in a collapsible details tag. Read more about opt().


Logical. Whether to set the knitr chunk option tidy = "styler", which re-styles code with the styler package. Read more about opt().


Character. Prefix with which to comment out output, defaults to "#>". Read more about opt().


Logical. Sets the options tidyverse.quiet and tidymodels.quiet, which suppress (TRUE, the default) or include (FALSE) the startup messages for the tidyverse and tidymodels packages. Read more about opt().


Logical. Whether to append a section for output sent to stdout and stderr by the reprex rendering process. This can be necessary to reveal output if the reprex spawns child processes or system() calls. Note this cannot be properly interleaved with output from the main R process, nor is there any guarantee that the lines from standard output and standard error are in correct chronological order. See callr::r() for more. Read more about opt().


Logical. Whether to show rendered output in a viewer (RStudio or browser). Always FALSE in a noninteractive session. Read more about opt().


[Deprecated] in favor of wd or providing a filepath to input. To reprex in current working directory, use wd = "." now, instead of outfile = NA.


[Deprecated] in favor of html_preview, for greater consistency with other R Markdown output formats.


[Deprecated] in favor of session_info.


Character vector of rendered reprex, invisibly.


The usual "code + commented output" is returned invisibly, written to file, and, whenever possible, put on the clipboard. An HTML preview displays in RStudio's Viewer pane, if available, or in the default browser, otherwise. Leading "> " prompts, are stripped from the input code. Read more at

reprex sets specific knitr options:

  • Chunk options default to collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", error = TRUE. Note that error = TRUE, because a common use case is bug reporting.

  • reprex also sets knitr's It defaults to knitr::imgur_upload() so figures produced by the reprex appear properly on GitHub, Stack Overflow, Discourse, and Slack. Note that imgur_upload() requires the packages httr and xml2. When venue = "r", is set to identity(), so that figures remain local. In that case, you may also want to provide a filepath to input or set wd, to control where the reprex files are written. You can supplement or override these options with special comments in your code (see examples).

Error backtraces

To use rlang::last_error() or rlang::last_trace() within a reprex, you must place them in a different "chunk" to the code that generates an error. The easiest way to do is to insert a line containing the special comment ⁠#'⁠ after error-causing code:

f <- function() rlang::abort('foo')

Read more in rlang's documentation: Errors in RMarkdown.

Syntax highlighting


A secondary use case for reprex is to produce syntax highlighted code snippets, with or without rendering, to paste into applications like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Keynote. Use venue = "rtf" for this.

This feature is experimental and requires the installation of the highlight command line tool. The "rtf" venue is documented in its own article


## Not run: 
# put some code like this on the clipboard
# (y <- 1:4)
# mean(y)

# provide code as an expression
reprex(rbinom(3, size = 10, prob = 0.5))
reprex({y <- 1:4; mean(y)})
reprex({y <- 1:4; mean(y)}, style = TRUE)

# note that you can include newlines in those brackets
# in fact, that is often a good idea
  x <- 1:4
  y <- 2:5
  x + y

## provide code via character vector
reprex(input = c("x <- 1:4", "y <- 2:5", "x + y"))

## if just one line, terminate with '\n'
reprex(input = "rnorm(3)\n")

## customize the output comment prefix
reprex(rbinom(3, size = 10, prob = 0.5), comment = "#;-)")

# override a default chunk option
  #+ setup, include = FALSE
  knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = FALSE)

  #+ actual-reprex-code
  (y <- 1:4)

# add prose, use general markdown formatting
  #' # A Big Heading
  #' Look at my cute example. I love the
  #' [reprex]( package!
  y <- 1:4
}, advertise = FALSE)

# read reprex from file and write resulting files to that location
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "foofy.R")
writeLines(c("x <- 1:4", "mean(x)"), tmp)
reprex(input = tmp)
list.files(dirname(tmp), pattern = "foofy")

# clean up
file.remove(list.files(dirname(tmp), pattern = "foofy", full.names = TRUE))

# write reprex to file AND keep figure local too, i.e. don't post to imgur
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "foofy")
  #+ setup, include = FALSE
  knitr::opts_knit$set( = identity)

  #+ actual-reprex-code
  #' Some prose
  ## regular comment
  (x <- 1:4)
  }, wd = tmp)
list.files(dirname(tmp), pattern = "foofy")

# clean up
unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)

## target venue = R, also good for email or Slack snippets
ret <- reprex({
  x <- 1:4
  y <- 2:5
  x + y
}, venue = "R")

## target venue = html
ret <- reprex({
  x <- 1:4
  y <- 2:5
  x + y
}, venue = "html")

## include prompt and don't comment the output
## use this when you want to make your code hard to execute :)
  #+ setup, include = FALSE
  knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA, prompt = TRUE)

  #+ actual-reprex-code
  x <- 1:4
  y <- 2:5
  x + y

## leading prompts are stripped from source
reprex(input = c("> x <- 1:3", "> median(x)"))

## End(Not run)

Render a reprex, conveniently


reprex_addin() opens an RStudio gadget and addin that allows you to say where the reprex source is (clipboard? current selection? active file? other file?) and to control a few other arguments. Appears as "Render reprex" in the RStudio Addins menu.

reprex_selection() is an addin that reprexes the current selection, optionally customised by options. Appears as "Reprex selection" in the RStudio Addins menu. Heavy users might want to create a keyboard shortcut. Suggested shortcut: Cmd + Shift + R (macOS) or Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows).



reprex_selection(venue = getOption("reprex.venue", "gh"))



Character. Must be one of the following (case insensitive):

  • "gh" for GitHub-Flavored Markdown, the default

  • "r" for a runnable R script, with commented output interleaved. Also useful for Slack code snippets; select "R" from the "Type" drop-down menu to enjoy nice syntax highlighting.

  • "rtf" for Rich Text Format (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "html" for an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in a larger HTML document (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "slack" for pasting into a Slack message. Optimized for people who opt out of Slack's WYSIWYG interface. Go to Preferences > Advanced > Input options and select "Format messages with markup". (If there is demand for a second Slack venue optimized for use with WYSIWYG, please open an issue to discuss.)

  • "so" for Stack Overflow Markdown. Note: this is just an alias for "gh", since Stack Overflow started to support CommonMark-style fenced code blocks in January 2019.

  • "ds" for Discourse, e.g., Note: this is currently just an alias for "gh".

reprex output format


This is an R Markdown output format designed specifically for making "reprexes", typically created via the reprex() function, which ultimately renders the document with reprex_render(). It is a heavily modified version of rmarkdown::md_document(). The arguments have different spheres of influence:

  • venue potentially affects input preparation and reprex_render().

  • Add content to the primary input, prior to rendering:

  • Influence knitr package or chunk options:

    • style

    • comment

    • tidyverse_quiet

RStudio users can create new R Markdown documents with the reprex_document() format using built-in templates. Do File > New File > R Markdown ... > From Template and choose one of:

  • reprex (minimal)

  • reprex (lots of features)

Both include knit: reprex::reprex_render in the YAML, which causes the RStudio "Knit" button to use reprex_render(). If you render these documents yourself, you should do same.


  venue = c("gh", "r", "rtf", "html", "slack", "so", "ds"),
  advertise = NULL,
  session_info = opt(FALSE),
  style = opt(FALSE),
  comment = opt("#>"),
  tidyverse_quiet = opt(TRUE),
  std_out_err = opt(FALSE),
  pandoc_args = NULL



Character. Must be one of the following (case insensitive):

  • "gh" for GitHub-Flavored Markdown, the default

  • "r" for a runnable R script, with commented output interleaved. Also useful for Slack code snippets; select "R" from the "Type" drop-down menu to enjoy nice syntax highlighting.

  • "rtf" for Rich Text Format (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "html" for an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in a larger HTML document (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "slack" for pasting into a Slack message. Optimized for people who opt out of Slack's WYSIWYG interface. Go to Preferences > Advanced > Input options and select "Format messages with markup". (If there is demand for a second Slack venue optimized for use with WYSIWYG, please open an issue to discuss.)

  • "so" for Stack Overflow Markdown. Note: this is just an alias for "gh", since Stack Overflow started to support CommonMark-style fenced code blocks in January 2019.

  • "ds" for Discourse, e.g., Note: this is currently just an alias for "gh".

Logical. Whether to include a footer that describes when and how the reprex was created. If unspecified, the option reprex.advertise is consulted and, if that is not defined, default is TRUE for venues "gh", "html", "so", "ds" and FALSE for "r", "rtf", "slack".


Logical. Whether to include sessioninfo::session_info(), if available, or sessionInfo() at the end of the reprex. When venue is "gh", the session info is wrapped in a collapsible details tag. Read more about opt().


Logical. Whether to set the knitr chunk option tidy = "styler", which re-styles code with the styler package. Read more about opt().


Character. Prefix with which to comment out output, defaults to "#>". Read more about opt().


Logical. Sets the options tidyverse.quiet and tidymodels.quiet, which suppress (TRUE, the default) or include (FALSE) the startup messages for the tidyverse and tidymodels packages. Read more about opt().


Logical. Whether to append a section for output sent to stdout and stderr by the reprex rendering process. This can be necessary to reveal output if the reprex spawns child processes or system() calls. Note this cannot be properly interleaved with output from the main R process, nor is there any guarantee that the lines from standard output and standard error are in correct chronological order. See callr::r() for more. Read more about opt().


Additional command line options to pass to pandoc


An R Markdown output format to pass to rmarkdown::render().



Render a reprex in a specific locale


Render a reprex(), with control over the localization of error messages and aspects of the locale. Note that these are related but distinct issues! Typical usage is for someone on a Spanish system to create a reprex that is easier for an English-speaking audience to follow.


reprex_locale(..., language = "en", locale = NULL)



Inputs passed through to reprex().


A string specifying the preferred language for messages. It is enacted via the LANGUAGE environment variable, for the duration of the reprex() call. Examples: "en" for English and "fr" for French. See Details for more.


A named character vector, specifying aspects of the locale, in the Sys.setlocale() sense. It is enacted by setting one or more environment variables, for the duration of the reprex() call. See Details for more.


Character vector of rendered reprex, invisibly.


Use the language argument to express the preferred language of error messages. The output of dir(system.file(package = "translations")) may provide some helpful ideas. The language should generally follow "XPG syntax": a two-letter language code, optionally followed by other modifiers.

Examples: "en", "de", "en_GB", "pt_BR".


Use the locale argument only if you want to affect something like how day-of-the-week or month is converted to character. You are less likely to need to set this than the language argument. You may have more success setting specific categories, such as "LC_TIME", than multi-category shortcuts like "LC_ALL" or "LANG". The locale values must follow the format dictated by your operating system and the requested locale must be installed. On *nix systems, locale -a is a good way to see which locales are installed. Note that the format for locale and language are different from each other on Windows.

Examples: "en_CA.UTF-8" (macOS), "French_France.1252" (Windows).

See Also


## Not run: 

# if all you want to do is make sure messages are in English
reprex_locale("a" / 2)

# change messages to a specific language
    "a" / 2
  language = "it"

    "a" / 2
  language = "fr_CA"

    "a" / 2
  language = "pt_BR"

# get day-of-week and month to print in French (not Windows)
    format(as.Date(c("2019-01-01", "2019-02-01")), "%a %b %d")
  locale = c(LC_TIME = "fr_FR")

# get day-of-week and month to print in French (Windows)
# assumes that the relevant language is installed on the system
# LC_TIME can also be specified as "French" or "French_France" here
    format(as.Date(c("2019-01-01", "2019-02-01")), "%a %b %d")
  locale = c(LC_TIME = "French_France.1252")

## End(Not run)

reprex options


Some reprex() behaviour can be controlled via an option, providing a way for the user to set personal defaults. The pattern for such option names is ⁠reprex.<arg>⁠, where ⁠<arg>⁠ is an argument of reprex(). Here are the main ones:

  • reprex.advertise

  • reprex.session_info (previously,


  • reprex.html_preview (previously,

  • reprex.comment

  • reprex.tidyverse_quiet

  • reprex.std_out_err

A few more options exist, but are only relevant to specific situations:

  • reprex.venue: Can be used to control the venue used by the reprex_selection() addin.

  • reprex.current_venue: Read-only option that is set during reprex_render(). Other packages that want to generate reprex-compatible output can consult it via getOption("reprex.current_venue"), if they want to tailor their output to the venue.

  • reprex.clipboard: When FALSE, reprex makes no attempt to access the user's clipboard, ever. This exists mostly for internal use, i.e. we set it to FALSE when we detect use from RStudio Server. But a user could set this to FALSE to explicitly opt-out of clipboard functionality. A Linux user with no intention of installing xclip or xsel might also do this.

  • reprex.highlight.hl_style: Only relevant to ⁠venue = "rtf⁠. Details are in the article reprex venue RTF.

  • reprex.highlight.font: See above.

  • reprex.highlight.font_size: See above.

  • reprex.highlight.other: See above.

Here's code you could put in .Rprofile to set reprex options. It would be rare to want non-default behaviour for all of these! We only do so here for the sake of exposition:

  reprex.advertise       = FALSE,
  reprex.session_info    = TRUE,           = TRUE,
  reprex.html_preview    = FALSE,
  reprex.comment         = "#;-)",
  reprex.tidyverse_quiet = FALSE,
  reprex.std_out_err     = TRUE,
  reprex.venue           = "html", # NOTE: only affects reprex_selection()!
  reprex.highlight.hl_style  = "acid", # NOTE: only affects RTF venue
  reprex.highlight.font      = "Andale Mono Regular",
  reprex.highlight.font_size = 35,
  reprex.highlight.other     = "--line-numbers"

The function usethis::edit_r_profile() is handy for creating and/or opening your .Rprofile.

Explaining the opt() helper

Arguments that appear like so in reprex():

reprex(..., arg = opt(DEFAULT), ...)

get their value according to this logic:

user-specified value or, if not given,
  getOption("reprex.arg") or, if does not exist,

It's shorthand for:

f(..., arg = getOption("reprex.arg", DEFAULT), ...)

This is not an exported function and should not be called directly.

Render a document in a new R session


This is a wrapper around rmarkdown::render() that enforces the "reprex" mentality. Here's a simplified version of what happens:

  function(input) {
    rmarkdown::render(input, envir = globalenv(), encoding = "UTF-8")
  args = list(input = input),
  spinner = is_interactive(),
  stdout = std_file, stderr = std_file

Key features to note

  • rmarkdown::render() is executed in a new R session, by using callr::r(). The goal is to eliminate the leakage of objects, attached packages, and other aspects of session state from the current session into the rendering session. Also, the system and user-level .Rprofiles are ignored.

  • Code is evaluated in the globalenv() of this new R session, which means that method dispatch works the way most people expect it to.

  • The input file is assumed to be UTF-8, which is a knitr requirement as of v1.24.

  • If the YAML frontmatter includes std_err_out: TRUE, standard output and error of the rendering R session are captured in std_file, which is then injected into the rendered result.

reprex_render() is designed to work with the reprex_document() output format, typically through a call to reprex(). reprex_render() may work with other R Markdown output formats, but it is not well-tested.


reprex_render(input, html_preview = NULL, encoding = "UTF-8")



The input file to be rendered. This can be a .R script or a .Rmd R Markdown document.


Logical. Whether to show rendered output in a viewer (RStudio or browser). Always FALSE in a noninteractive session. Read more about opt().


The encoding of the input file. Note that the only acceptable value is "UTF-8", which is required by knitr as of v1.24. This is exposed as an argument purely for technical convenience, relating to the "Knit" button in the RStudio IDE.


The output of rmarkdown::render() is passed through, i.e. the path of the output file.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Venue-specific shortcuts


These are thin wrappers around reprex() that incorporate the target venue as a suffix in the function name, for easier access via auto-completion.








Passed along to reprex().

Un-render a reprex


Recover clean, runnable code from a reprex captured in the wild and write it to user's clipboard. The code is also returned invisibly and optionally written to file. Three different functions address various forms of wild-caught reprex:

  • reprex_invert() attempts to reverse the effect of reprex(). When venue = "r", this just calls reprex_clean().

  • reprex_clean() removes commented output. This assumes that R code is top-level, possibly interleaved with commented output, e.g., a displayed reprex copied from GitHub or the output of reprex(..., venue = "R").

  • reprex_rescue() removes lines of output and strips prompts from lines holding R commands. This assumes that R code lines start with a prompt and that printed output is top-level, e.g., what you'd if you've copied from the R Console.


  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  venue = c("gh", "r"),
  comment = opt("#>"),
  outfile = deprecated()

  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  comment = opt("#>"),
  outfile = deprecated()

  input = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  prompt = getOption("prompt"),
  continue = getOption("continue"),
  outfile = deprecated()



Character. If has length one and lacks a terminating newline, interpreted as the path to a file containing the reprex. Otherwise, assumed to hold the reprex as a character vector. If not provided, the clipboard is consulted for input. If the clipboard is unavailable and we're in RStudio, the current selection is used.


An optional filepath that is consulted when input is not a filepath. (By default, all work is done, quietly, in a subdirectory of the session temp directory.)

The most common use of wd is to set wd = ".", which means "reprex right HERE in the current working directory". Do this if you really must demonstrate something with local files.


Character. Must be one of the following (case insensitive):

  • "gh" for GitHub-Flavored Markdown, the default

  • "r" for a runnable R script, with commented output interleaved. Also useful for Slack code snippets; select "R" from the "Type" drop-down menu to enjoy nice syntax highlighting.

  • "rtf" for Rich Text Format (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "html" for an HTML fragment suitable for inclusion in a larger HTML document (not supported for un-reprexing)

  • "slack" for pasting into a Slack message. Optimized for people who opt out of Slack's WYSIWYG interface. Go to Preferences > Advanced > Input options and select "Format messages with markup". (If there is demand for a second Slack venue optimized for use with WYSIWYG, please open an issue to discuss.)

  • "so" for Stack Overflow Markdown. Note: this is just an alias for "gh", since Stack Overflow started to support CommonMark-style fenced code blocks in January 2019.

  • "ds" for Discourse, e.g., Note: this is currently just an alias for "gh".


regular expression that matches commented output lines


[Deprecated] in favor of wd or providing a filepath to input. To reprex in current working directory, use wd = "." now, instead of outfile = NA.


character, the prompt at the start of R commands


character, the prompt for continuation lines


Character vector holding just the clean R code, invisibly


## Not run: 
# a roundtrip: R code --> rendered reprex, as gfm --> R code
original <- file.path(tempdir(), "original.R")
  #' Some text
  #+ chunk-label-and-options-cannot-be-recovered, message = TRUE
  (x <- 1:4)
  #' More text
  y <- 2:5
  x + y"), con = original)
reprex(input = original, html_preview = FALSE, advertise = FALSE)
reprexed <- sub("[.]R$", "", original)
unreprexed <- reprex_invert(input = reprexed)

# clean up
  list.files(dirname(original), pattern = "original", full.names = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# a roundtrip: R code --> rendered reprex, as R code --> original R code
code_in <- c(
  "# a regular comment, which is retained",
  "(x <- 1:4)",
reprexed <- reprex(input = code_in, venue = "r", advertise = FALSE)
code_out <- reprex_clean(input = reprexed)
identical(code_in, code_out)

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
# rescue a reprex that was copied from a live R session
from_r_console <- c(
  "> # a regular comment, which is retained",
  "> (x <- 1:4)",
  "[1] 1 2 3 4",
  "> median(x)",
  "[1] 2.5"
rescued <- reprex_rescue(input = from_r_console)

## End(Not run)