- dplyr::band_instrumentsBand membership
- dplyr::band_instruments2Band membership
- dplyr::band_membersBand membership
- dplyr::starwarsStarwars characters
- dplyr::stormsStorm tracks data
- forcats::gss_catA sample of categorical variables from the General Social survey
- ggplot2::diamondsPrices of over 50,000 round cut diamonds
- ggplot2::economicsUS economic time series
- ggplot2::economics_longUS economic time series
- ggplot2::faithfuld2d density estimate of Old Faithful data
- ggplot2::luv_colours'colors()' in Luv space
- ggplot2::midwestMidwest demographics
- ggplot2::mpgFuel economy data from 1999 to 2008 for 38 popular models of cars
- ggplot2::msleepAn updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset
- ggplot2::presidentialTerms of 12 presidents from Eisenhower to Trump
- ggplot2::sealsVector field of seal movements
- ggplot2::txhousingHousing sales in TX
- lubridate::lakersLakers 2008-2009 basketball data set
- modelr::heightsHeight and income data.
- modelr::sim1Simple simulated datasets
- modelr::sim2Simple simulated datasets
- modelr::sim3Simple simulated datasets
- modelr::sim4Simple simulated datasets
- nycflights13::airlinesAirline names
- nycflights13::airportsAirport metadata
- nycflights13::flightsFlights data
- nycflights13::planesPlane metadata
- nycflights13::weatherHourly weather data
- stringr::fruitSample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
- stringr::sentencesSample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
- stringr::wordsSample character vectors for practicing string manipulations
- tidyr::billboardSong rankings for Billboard top 100 in the year 2000
- tidyr::cms_patient_careData from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- tidyr::cms_patient_experienceData from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- tidyr::constructionCompleted construction in the US in 2018
- tidyr::fish_encountersFish encounters
- tidyr::householdHousehold data
- tidyr::populationWorld Health Organization TB data
- tidyr::relig_incomePew religion and income survey
- tidyr::smithsSome data about the Smith family
- tidyr::table1Example tabular representations
- tidyr::table2Example tabular representations
- tidyr::table3Example tabular representations
- tidyr::table4aExample tabular representations
- tidyr::table4bExample tabular representations
- tidyr::table5Example tabular representations
- tidyr::us_rent_incomeUS rent and income data
- tidyr::whoWorld Health Organization TB data
- tidyr::who2World Health Organization TB data
- tidyr::world_bank_popPopulation data from the World Bank